
0151 345 0552


07811 332 898

Kettlebell Skills Workshop
Saturday 27th May (10am – 1pm)

142A – 144 Seaview Road, Wallasey, Wirral CH45 4PE

Perfect the Kettlebell Swing, Clean & Press & Goblet Squat
Face to face expert kettlebell instruction delivered by a Certified StrongFirst and Strength Matters instructor

Learn the fundamentals of 3 key kettlebell exercises
Kettlebell swings, clean and press and goblet squat in our Kettlebell Skills Workshop.

The Swing: The king of Kettlebell Exercises

This 1 fundamental exercise is the foundation of kettlebell work. Without proper swing mechanics, you are a back injury waiting to happen. Learn to perfect your Swing in our Kettlebell Basics 101 workshop. The swing assists in correcting poor posture from hours of sitting hunched over to one of upright, vertical, open and extended.

It’s an exercise that works your posterior chain (backside, back, hamstrings), it works the grip and strengthens your heart, it helps you burn fat like a machine and makes you more athletic. Plus it builds muscle, strength and explosiveness.

Why wouldn’t you do this? It is also one of the most misunderstood exercises of all time too. It is also simple to do, once you know how. This is why learning correct mechanics of the “Hinge” is so important.

The swing is the “gateway” to the clean and the snatch, so great swing technique is a pre-requisite for everything else you want to do kettlebell related.

The Clean & Press

The kettlebell clean and press is a great exercise because it teaches your whole body to work as a single unit. It will give you power, stamina, resilience, and mental toughness all in one tidy package.

The Goblet Squat

This simple front loaded squat variation is such a fantastic choice for 90% of the gym population because it teaches a complete beginner how to squat correctly.

The position of the load forces 90% of people to tighten up their cores and a few simple cues later almost anyone can squat safely and completely pain free which is always an aim of mine when trying to teach someone this often over-complicated movement!

Another reason I love goblet squats for beginners is that all you need is a moderately heavy object (e.g. a kettlebell) and some space, making this a convenient and portable exercise.

Add these 3 exercises together and you have a simple but very effective training program.

Join Jason, the Unconventional Coach on Saturday 27th May for our Kettlebell Skills Workshop.

Please Note: This NOT a workout!

It is 3 hours of in-depth instruction on just 3 exercises.

Wear gym gear; you will sweat 😉

The Kettlebell Skills Workshop runs on Saturday 27th May.

You will learn plenty regardless of your experience level. Jason, our StrongFirst Certified Instructor breaks down the movements into easy understandable drills suitable for all levels of experience including beginners.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I attend a workshop?
Click the Register Now button. You’ll be taken to the event booking page where you can reserve your spot.

What do I need to bring with me?
Dress in your gym gear, bring plenty of water and a towel. If you own your own kettlebell, bring that too. If you don’t own a kettlebell yet, no problem. You can use one of ours 🙂

Do you have an age limit?
Our workshops are for all ages and abilities.

Can I bring a friend, partner or colleague?
Absolutely! Provided we have room. We like to keep our workshops small with a maximum of 6 people per workshop. That ensures you get the attention and support you deserve. Training and practicing with a partner can be very helpful. You can coach, motivate and keep each other accountable. Sign up a friend & we’ll give you 50% off your next workshop.

How long is the workshop?
It is a 3 hour workshop. All attendees will receive a manual going over the lifts taught on the day with a workout plan to follow.